Every culture has some form of celebration to recognize the coming of age; when a girl begins to be considered a woman. In North America and in the Latin American culture, these celebrations are called “Quinceañera”. This is a sacred and time-honored rite of passage. The word “Quinceañera” is made up of the Spanish words for “fifteen” and “years” and can refer to both the celebration and the girl/woman turning fifteen.
It is believed one of the origins of a Quinceañera goes all the way back to the indigenous cultures of the Americas; the Aztec and the Maya. When a girl became fifteen, she was then considered a woman. The girls would wed and be allowed to carry a child. Historians also believe the roots of this celebration stem from Europe and in the European debutante ball galas. This European tradition was introduced to the Native American during the Spanish colonization of Latin America in the 1500’s. Wherever this beautiful tradition was originated, young Latin girl celebrates the Quinceañera uniquely. What remains constant across the Latin American culture is that the Quinceañera is meant to represent a girl’s transition to womanhood.
With 1/3 of San Diego County’s population being Latin American, Ranch Events frequently is the selected caterer to plan and facilitate many of this community’s cultural festivals. Ranch Events has the expertise to cater and plan the “Quinceañera” with its variety of menus, menu selections to its beautiful Marina Village venues and knowledgeable Event Planners.
Ranch Events can transform your home or backyard to welcome all of your family and guests and help you commemorate your Quinceañera. Our Rental Department can furnish your location with tables, chairs, arches, dance floors and anything you need to make your event perfection.
Latin American girls are not supposed to dance in a public event before their 15th birthday. They may only dance in school and family functions.The Quinceañera, accompanied by her Honor Court of Chamberlains (males) and her Maids with their respective chamberlains perform a traditional Waltz. The Quinceañera dances her first waltz with her father or in case he is not present, with a close relative or friend of the family. Ranch Events can provide a professional and skilled DJ to play a time-honored waltz or any music that will suit this special occasion.
A traditional song called “Las Mañanitas”, usually performed by a Mariachi band/DJ is sung after the waltz or at the time of the Cake cutting.
After all these events take place, the popular “Dance” now begins. The Quinceañera is the first to come out to the dance floor and invites all of the guests to dance. Through this traditional gesture, the party officially starts, and the fun begins.
The cake is generally cut during a dance break. The cake is usually of great color and size. The cake color and ornaments must match the Quinceañera’s dress. She cuts the cake and is the first one to eat from it. Ranch Events Bakery excels in this area. Not only will the cake taste delicious but our bakers can design and bake any shape and size cake that will be ideal and make your event memorable.
Choosing Ranch Events to cater and plan your Quinceañera is the best choice you can make. We are the experts so let us do our job and make your Quinceañera a day your fifteen-year-old, your family and guests will all talk about and remember.